
In the era of globalization, competition between companies is getting sharper, so it requires companies to always be the best. The increasingly fierce competition also shapes the development of increasingly increasing technology and information, resulting in global and comprehensive competition. Therefore, we need workers who really want to work and are able to survive in oil palm plantations. This study aims to determine (1) Does Organizational Culture partially affect the performance of employees at PT. Sarana Titian Permata 1, (2) Does motivation partially affect the performance of employees at PT. Sarana Titian Permata 1, (3) Does Work Discipline partially affect employee performance at PT. Sarana Titian Permata 1. The method of collecting data is through questionnaires distributed to employees of PT. Sarana Titian Permata 1. The samples taken were 54 respondents using the saturated sample technique. The data obtained were then processed using a computer software analysis tool, namely SPSS version 23. This analysis includes validity test, reliability test, multiple regression analysis test, classical assumption test, and statistical test through t statistical test, F statistical test, and the coefficient of determination (R2 ). The results of the t-statistical test indicate that Organizational Culture has a positive and significant effect on employee performance with a significance (Sig.) of 0.000 less than 0.05 (α), then motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance with a significance (Sig.) of 0.023. smaller than the value (α) of 0.05, while Work Discipline has no significant effect on employee performance with a significance (Sig.) of 0.547 greater than the value (α) of 0.05. Then the F statistic test and the coefficient of determination (R2) show that organizational culture, motivation and work environment simultaneously affect employee performance with a contribution of 69.7%. While the remaining 30.3% is explained by other independent variables that are not included in the analytical model of this study.


  • Di era globalisasi, persaingan antar perusahaan semakin tajam, sehingga menuntut perusahaan untuk selalu menjadi yang terbaik

  • This study aims to determine (1) Does Organizational Culture partially affect the performance of employees at PT

  • Sarana Titian Permata 1, (2) Does motivation partially affect the performance of employees at PT

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Dalam pengelolaan Perkebunan

Sawit di indonesia ada yang dilakukan oleh rakyat dan perusahaan besar, baik pemerintah maupun swasta. Suatu perusahaan atau organisasi yang memiliki budaya yang kuat akan menghasilkan kinerja yang baik dalam jangka panjang. Penyebab kegagalan karyawan tersebut adalah karena kurang adanya motivasi dari pimpinan, maka manajemen harus dapat memberikan dorongan melalui pemenuhan kebutuhan agar karyawan berusaha melaksankan pekerjaannya dengan baik. Sarana Titian Permata 1 adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan dengan cara seperti pelatihan dan ajaran langsung dan lain sebaginya, karena dengan meningkatnya efesiensi kerja maka yang berarti produktivitas meningkat juga. Berdasarkan pada uraian peneliti merasa tertarik untuk mengkaji secara lebih mendalam bagaimana budaya organisasi, motivasi, disiplin kerja dan kinerja karyawan yang nantinya dapat sebagai usulan acuan dalam pengambilan langkah strategi di perusahaan dalam meningkatkan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) tanpa mengabaikan protocol kesehatan saat pandemi covid-19 yang telah di tetapkan di PT. Lokasi penelitian menunjukkan pada pengertian tempat atau lokasi sosial penelitian yang dicirikan oleh adanya unsur yaitu pelaku, tempat, dan kegiatan yang dapat di observasi

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Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid
Hasil Uji Reliabel Reliabel Reliabel Reliabel
Disiplin Kerja
Parameters Absolute
Unstandardized Standardized
Model Summaryb
Kinerja Karyawan
Karyawan Pada Villa Mahapala
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