
Online Short video formats are becoming extremely popular day by day. Especially in developing countries like India, which is a democratic country and where the cost of the internet is affordable to the middle class people of the country. The secondary data shows that Indian youth have been spending substantial amounts of time each day watching these short videos on platforms like instagram, YouTube, etc. These short video formats are successful in creating an influence on young people and developing a connection. Apparel is something that youth (young women) prefer to buy, referring to the latest fashion and trends in the market. Television and films used to be the major influencers of fashion among the youth. The place of Television & Movies is at a fast rate taken by these online short videos.(Are the young women in India getting influenced or getting clues/suggestions about latest fashion from short video formats?) Factors such as economic, social, cultural, gender, family background, and social media have a strong bearing on the dressing styles of youth. In the said research paper, there is an attempt to identify the influence of online short videos on young women buying their apparel. The conclusion will be drawn using quantitative research methods. The research will also comment on the media usage habits of youth and their lifestyle.

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