
As a cosmopolitan city in China, Shanghai has a rich cultural heritage and historical sites. As one of the first ports of commerce to be opened, Shanghai took advantage of its unique geographical, economic, and cultural advantages to attract a large number of immigrants, giving rise to the citys diverse culture. In this paper, it discusses about the diverse culture of 1920s Shanghai and its influences to a variety of aspects on the city image of Shanghai. The paper focuses on the time period of the 1920s, a time period that is after the Opium War, and Shanghai is greatly industrialized. The multiculturalism of Shanghai is mainly analyzed in two aspects, culture and economy. The analysis concludes that multiculturalism, which started with the diverse cultures of the different peoples of Shanghai, causes some major influences and development to the city. This is further connected to modern-day Shanghai, and the influences are seen on the citys image of Shanghai from multiculturalism and its effects in the 1920s.

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