
Reducing the cost of maintaining housing objects inevitably leads to the development of energy-saving technologies and building materials. Cost reduction is achieved by reducing heat losses through walls and floors of buildings and structures. Wood-cement composite materials are attractive not only from the point of view of energy saving and reducing construction costs, but also as materials in the production of which woodworking waste is used, therefore, the problem of complex waste-free use of raw materials is solved. In the course of the research, the influence of mineral inclusions on the indicators of the thermal efficiency of enclosing structures made of wood-cement composite (wood concrete and sawdust concrete) was determined. The work was based on the use of physical modeling methods (finite element method) implemented in the Elcut software package. The value of the heat loss indicator, depending on the type of wood-cement composite and operating conditions, was 34.2…. 54.8 W/(m2·°C). The indicator of resistance to heat transfer is 0.58 … 2.2 (m2·°C)/W. The presence of mineral inclusions worsens the thermal performance of the enclosing structure by an average of 7%. The results obtained can be used in the design and operation of building structures made of wood-cement composites.

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