
In the report ,of the Committee on Suggested Methods for the Microbiological Analysis ,of Butter (I) four media are given for the estimation of the yeast ,and mold content of butter. Three of the four suggested media are whey agars prepared in ,different ways, the fourth 'a dehFdrated malt agar. After publishing this report, suggestions were offered by Grimes (2) and Meyers (3) relative to the use of other media for the estimation of yeasts and molds. The American investigators, Hammer (4), Macy (5), B ouska (6), and P arfitt (7), when determining yeasts and molds have used whey agar while the Canadian inves.tig~to~s, Hood and White (8), have used malt agar. White and Hood (9), (10), ia their studies on temperature and hydrogen-ion concentration used Bacto dehydrated malt agar.

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