
AbstractEight different types of acid tuffs of the Eger Castle (Hungary) and two tuffs from nearby quarries have been studied in detail. Mapping of wall sections reveals that tuffs show weathering forms that are similar to common sedimentary rocks, such as limestones or sandstones. Different lithologies display various weathering features. On pumice-rich tuff ashlars relief due to selective weathering, weathering crusts, multiple flakes and scales occur, while crumbling is common on layered flow tuffs. Conversely, cemented tuff types do not show deep weathering. Pore-size distribution rather than effective porosity controls the weathering susceptibility of tuffs. Frequent larger micropores are the main causes of freeze-thaw-related weathering. Besides clays, newly formed gypsum and calcite are the weathering-related index minerals. Schmidt hammer rebound values mark the weathering process when quarry stones and ashlars of historic walls are compared.

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