
In recent years, the advent of digital technology has significantly transformed the landscape of reading, giving rise to a distinct set of skills and strategies required for effective comprehension in online environments. The transition to online reading has prompted the need for individuals to adapt and develop specific strategies to navigate digital texts successfully. This study is conducted to explore the influence of learners' perception of reading difficulties and their online reading strategies. This quantitative study collected data from 124 respondents from various faculties of a public university. The questionnaire has 4 sections that contain items on demographic profile, reading difficulties, global strategies, problem-solving strategies, and support strategies. Generally, the finding revealed that there is no correlation between learners’ perception of reading difficulties and their online reading strategies. By understanding the influence of learners' perceptions of reading difficulties and their online reading strategies, educators and researchers can work together to optimise the use of digital technologies in education and improve learning outcomes for students.

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