
This study examines the influence of leadership styles on academic job satisfaction in higher education institutions in Ethiopia. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire and Job Satisfaction Survey were used to identify the prevailing leadership styles as perceived by employees and to review their satisfaction with the institutions, respectively. The researchers used a cross-sectional survey of academic staff working in selected public universities. A logistic regression analysis was used to assess the relationship between the independent (leadership styles/behaviors) and the dependent (employees’ job satisfaction) variables. The findings suggested that transformational leadership influenced positively faculty job satisfaction. The outcome of the research will generate greater awareness on the importance of having leaders whose behaviors/styles increase faculty job satisfaction and ensure organizational effectiveness.
 Keywords: Leadership, Transformational Leadership, Transactional Leadership Passive/Avoidant Leadership, Job Satisfaction
 To cite this document: Alemu Muleta Kebede and Getnet Worku Demeke, "The Influence of Leadership Styles on Employees’ Job Satisfaction in Ethiopian Public Universities", Contemporary Management Research, Vol.13, No.3, pp. 165-176, 2017.
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