
Light is considered as an environmental signal that controls plants growth and development. Sufficient duration, quality and wavelength are mainly responsible for switching on/off many physiological processes. The aim of this study was to examine the role of gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) shunt pathway specific response in wheat (Triticum aestivum) and lentil (Lens culinaris) seedlings to blue LED laser (intensity= 1.48 W/cm2) and high intensity invisible ultraviolet light (intensity= 3.99 W/cm2) treatments separately, with respect to: seed germination, seedling growth, oxidative damage in term of reactive oxygen substances accumulation, GABA accumulation level, total proteins and total carbohydrates level and glutamate decarboxylase gene (GAD) expression. Data showed a remarkable changes in proteins content, carbohydrates content, chlorophyll level, dry and fresh weight, GABA accumulation, MDA level, and GAD m-RNA level under blue LED laser and high intensity invisible ultraviolet light treatments; separately in the both wheat and lentil cultivars. There were no significant differences of root emergence in all cultivars under all treatments. The concentrations of MDA increased in all cultivars under blue LED laser and high intensity invisible ultraviolet light treatments with increasing exposure durations. GABA levels increased and correlated significantly in all cultivars as the exposure duration of blue LED laser and high light intensity increased. Significant decrease in chlorophyll a and b contents in Um Qayes, Jordan1 and Jordan2 cultivars under all laser and high intensity invisible ultraviolet light treatments. A significant difference was found in proteins content in all cultivars in response to laser and high intensity invisible ultraviolet light treatments. Carbohydrates content in all cultivars used in this study were significantly decreased under laser treatments. The transcription level of GAD increased significantly under blue LED laser and high intensity invisible ultraviolet light in all cultivars used in this study. GAD expression was high in Hurani75 cultivar in agreement with the low level of GABA accumulation under high intensity invisible ultraviolet light at 60 min which strongly suggested that GABA was catabolized to enter another pathways (C:N balance) that was confirmed by increase in higher level of carbohydrates and proteins beside reduction in MDA content at the same exposure duration. On other hand, GAD expression in Jordan 2 was lower in response to laser treatment under the same exposure duration. The high increase of GAD gene expression explains the high accumulation of GABA level under both treatments. Results indicated that GABA shunt is a key metabolic pathway that allows wheat and lentil to adapt blue LED laser and high intensity invisible ultraviolet light stressful treatments.

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