
Technology factors of keeping young cattle that influence the growth and development are considered in this work.
 The research was conducted during 2020 in the conditions of Ukrainian farms for cattle breeding. Five experimental groups of five one-week-old calves in each and one control group were formed. Calves were kept separately in the same conditions, diet, but fed probiotics (1×109) Bacillus amyloliquefaciense, Bacillus mucilaginosus, Bacillus coagulans, Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus pumilus in the colostrum substitute for five grams per animal. The strains are deposited and produced by «Kronos Agro», Ukraine. The calves had free access to water and hay. Determination of live weight of calves was performed by individual weighing on scales with an accuracy of 1 kg. Weighing of animals was performed at the beginning of the study and every 10 days.
 The task of the experiment was to create the most favorable housing conditions, so the calves of the experimental and control groups were kept in the same livestock house but in different cattle pens. According to the results of the research, it was established that the temperature and relative humidity in the room corresponded to the normative indicators and fluctuated only with the change of seasons. As the ventilation system in the calf is natural, the microbial pollution and the content of gases (carbon dioxide, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide) decreased or increased according to the change of the season. Summarizing the results, we can conclude that the microclimate in the livestock house for keeping calves met sanitary and hygienic standards.
 After ten days of the experiment, the difference in mean live weight between groups did not exceed 5-7% and was not statistically significant. At 30 day of the study in the experimental group, where calves were given B. coagulans, the live weight was probably higher on 22,16 % and the average daily gain was higher on 24%, compared with the control group (* – р≤0,05). Slightly less difference in the group of calves which were feeding В. mucilaginosus, the live weight was higher by 18,5 % and the average daily gain by 16,9 %, compared with the control group (* - p≤0,05).
 Studies have shown that the microclimate in the room for keeping calves met sanitary and hygienic standards and have not a negative impact on the growth and development of animals. It has also been shown that feeding the cultures of B. coagulans and В. mucilaginosus increased live weight of calves and average daily gain in young cattle.


  • Завданням експерименту було створення максимально сприятливих умов утримання для телят, тому телята дослідних та контрольної груп утримувалися в одному приміщенні, але в різних загонах

  • Determination of live weight of calves was performed by individual weighing on scales with an accuracy of 1 kg

  • At 30 day of the study in the experimental group, where calves were given B. coagulans, the live weight was probably higher on 22,16 % and the average daily gain was higher on 24%, compared with the control group (* – р≤0,05)

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У роботі розглянуто фактори впливу технології утримання на ріст та розвиток молодняку великої рогатої худоби. Завданням експерименту було створення максимально сприятливих умов утримання для телят, тому телята дослідних та контрольної груп утримувалися в одному приміщенні, але в різних загонах. Підсумовуючи отримані результати, можна зробити висновок, що мікроклімат у приміщенні для утримання телят відповідав санітарногігієнічним нормам. Дослідженнями встановлено, що мікроклімат у приміщенні для утримання телят відповідав санітарно-гігієнічним нормам і не чинив негативного впливу на ріст та розвиток тварин. Calves were kept separately in the same conditions, diet, but fed probiotics (1×109) Bacillus amyloliquefaciense, Bacillus mucilaginosus, Bacillus coagulans, Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus pumilus in the colostrum substitute for five grams per animal. At 30 day of the study in the experimental group, where calves were given B. coagulans, the live weight was probably higher on 22,16 % and the average daily gain was higher on 24%, compared with the control group (* – р≤0,05). Mucilaginosus increased live weight of calves and average daily gain in young cattle. Отримані дані були порівняні з нормативними показниками та наведені у таблиці 1

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