
This study discusses the influence of Islamic values on the implementation of the librarian code of ethics at the Raden Intan State Islamic University Library in Lampung. This study aims to determine whether there is a positive and significant influence between Islamic values on the code of ethics of librarians at the Raden Intan State Islamic University Library in Lampung. This is a type of descriptive quantitative research with data collection techniques through questionnaires and documentation. The data analysis in this study used several tests including normality tests, linearity tests, regression tests, correlation tests, and t hypothesis tests. Data analysis using Pearson’s Product Moment test statistics with the help of the SPSS V.22 statistical program with two research variables, namely the variable of Islamic values (X) and the variable of the librarian code of ethics (Y). The results showed a positive and significant influence between Islamic values on the code of ethics of librarians in the library of Raden Intan State Islamic University Lampung, with the results of a regression coefficient value of 0.0440 from a simple linear regression test. This means that there is a positive and significant influence between variable X and variable Y. The level of influence between variable X and variable Y is 37.7%. In other words, the amount of influence exerted by the variable of Islamic values on the librarian code of ethics is 37.7%, the rest is influenced by other factors.
 Keywords: Islamic Values, Librarian Code of Ethics, Library

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