
The study “The Influence of Interpersonal Communication, Traditional Media, and New Media Sources on Youth’s Voting Behavior; A Study of Pakistan General Election 2013 Campaign “conducted to determine the influence of interpersonal communication such as ( Parents, Siblings, friend , religious leader ,celebrities teachers and significant other that which source is more significant in shaping voting behavior of Pakistani youth. Along with interpersonal sources research also found which form of media was effectively play part in voting decision of youth in 2013 general election. This study compares both interpersonal as well as media source to find out which is most effective while election campaign and shaping voting decision of youth. For this study survey method was used, in which self-reported questionnaire compressing forty two questions was distributed among 1000 respondents in public sectors universities of Punjab and Islamabad to find out results. SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) was used for data analysis and statistical testing of the variables. Excel and word document software’s were also used for composing, graphics, tables and charts. The results proved that Parents are most significant predictor of voting behavior of youth, but there level of significance gradually decreasing as compare to prior studies, because of change in source of information of youth. This study exposed that television is still primary source of information but youth’s source of political information in transition phase that they are shifting their information sources form traditional media (newspaper, radio and television) to new media such as internet especially youth relay of social media. The study supports the theoretical framework of ‘cultivation, agenda setting, dependence theory, uses and gratification and role of interpersonal discussion’ that emphasized on the importance of interpersonal discussion and importance of mass media in shaping behaviors attitudes and emotional reactions of youth.

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