
The cytokine interleukin-1β (IL-1) has been shown to induce the secretion of NGF and GDNF in several types of neuronal populations. IL-1 has also been shown to mediate immune response following trauma or presence of foreign antigens. We investigated the influence of an IL-1 antagonist on the survival of spiral ganglion neurons in inner ears in which hair cells have been eliminated. We used a replication-deficient adenoviral vector containing the human IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) cDNA. Guinea pigs were bilaterally deafened with ototoxic drugs. One week later their left cochleae were inoculated with the IL-1ra vector, designated Ad.IL-1ra. The vector was delivered by injection through the cochlear round window. IL-1ra protein levels within the perilymph of Ad.IL-1ra-injected animals were measured with ELISA and found to be significantly elevated compared to our controls. Spiral ganglion cell counts in experimental ears revealed a lower density of neurons after Ad.IL-1ra inoculation. Taken together, the data suggest that the Ad.IL-1ra-infected cochlear cells synthesized the transgenic human IL-1ra protein, which was then secreted by the cells into the perilymph, resulting in an accelerated neuronal degeneration in hair cell-depleted ears.

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