
In this study, we examined how HRM practises in Kuwait's banking sector affected employees' affective, continuing, and normative organisational commitment Permanent, full-time, and part-time employees are available members managers and non-managers alike from The study included five organisations.Kuwait is dominated by large private banks. The link between these variables was investigated using both exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and hierarchical regression analysis. The findings revealed that, due to factors like culture and values, 50% of the variables agreed with prior study, while 50% of the variables did not. The findings have important ramifications for both the international trade and Kuwait's banking industry. Due to the fierce global competition, businesses are becoming more aware of the importance of HR. Furthermore, efficient One important source of competitive advantage that helps firms succeed is human resources. As a result, By utilising cutting-edge techniques like coaching, HRM is making investments in its people resources to help them grow abilities and improve organisational performance. In this essay, the impact of coaching on worker performance in Lebanon's banking industry is examined. By researching coaching creative and motivating intervening strategies that result in improved employee performance, It aims to close the market gap in Lebanon. This study examines how coaching influences employee creativity and motivation, which has an effect on employee performance, using a case study that is qualitative technique within an experimental framework.

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