
SYNOPSIS Refers to the present harvesting systems practised by the Usutu Pulp Company Ltd. The practical influence of these systems on the silviculture of exotic conifers grown under a 15-year pulpwood regime are discussed. The effects of mechanical and draught animal skidding on the site and subsequent stocking and survival are described. The adverse effects of slash disposal by burning e.g. soil erosion; occurrence of Rhizina undulata (Root Rot Fungus), are also discussed and related to the 1972 abolition of burning as a method of slash disposal. The problems of site preparation and establishment presented by the different patterns of residual slash created by the present harvesting systems are described together with current practices to minimise these problems. Investigations into the mechanical break-up of slash and improved site preparation are reviewed. The influence of the road requirements for the present harvesting systems is briefly summarised. The improved utilization of the raw material off the site via mobile or roadside chipping and its effect on subsequent silviculture practices is discussed. Possible future trends in harvesting practices at Usutu and their influence on silviculture are then presented.

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