
The adaptation of plants is manifested in the preservation of their physiological functions when exposed to various extreme environmental factors. In model experiments, we examined the influence of the combined action of such factors as alcohol solutions of benzotriazole in low concentrations (0,00001; 0,0001; 0,001 mg/ml) and contrasting positive temperatures (+12C and +22C) on germinating ability and growth processes of three species of onions (Allium sulphur , Allium fistulosum and Allium schoenoprasum) differing in various adaptive capabilities. It was found that, regardless of the germination temperature, with an increase in the concentration of benzotriazole solutions in a selected concentration range, stimulation of seed germination is observed for all studied species compared to the control. Benzotriazole had the maximum stimulating effect at a concentration of 0,001 mg/ml when germinating seeds at a temperature of +12C. The effect on growth processes was determined by the average length of the roots of onions on the fifth day of growth. It was found that the length of the roots of onions of all studied species when germinating in benzotriazole solutions at a temperature of +12C does not significantly differ from that in the control. When germinating seeds at +22C, the root length of only two species (Allium cepa , Allium fistulosum) was higher than in the control. Possible mechanisms of the observed phenomenon are discussed.


  • Грязнова Мария Олеговна, студент биологического факультета Самарский национальный исследовательский университет имени академика С.П

  • The coenomorphs scheme assessment has been done for 752 vascular plants species of flora by an expert and statistical approach, which included three variants of classification

  • Matveev are not specific ecological and coenotical groups, they are not identified as ruderal and their identification as individual coenomorphs don’t appear to have sufficient reasons. These groups can be used as indicators of such biotopes: steppe on poor carbonate soils, mesophytic meadow, and not-shade sylvatic

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