
The article is devoted to the analysis of the influence of gender factor on the speech behavior of communicants. With the emergence of gender linguistics, the range of scientific interests in linguistics is significantly expanding. Stereotypes of femininity and masculinity, gender asymmetries, as well as peculiarities of speech and communication behavior of men and women are studied in more detail. In our research we are guided by the fact that gender is a general scientific category that explains the behavior of men and women based on biological sex and in relation to the social and cultural norms of a particular society. The main method of research is contrastive analysis, which makes it possible to compare and distinguish the differential features of male and female speech. The study of communicative behavior is carried out on the basis of discourse analysis. The heuristic method which involves the collection of previously recorded research material is also applied. The research material is the works of the modern English authors M. Dunn “Ex-Girlfriends United” and J. Kaplan “The Men I Didn’t Marry”. The analysis of the characteristics of male and female speech behavior makes it possible to conclude that there are generally accepted typical characteristics of the speech behavior of men and women in every society based on moral and ethical norms, as well as cultural characteristics. They can vary depending on a number of other factors other than biological features: mental composition, character, profession, role in society, status, type of temperament, etc. Since society imposes certain rules and standards of behavior of men and women on individuals, it is necessary to be aware of these features and take them into account in the process of communication.

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