
For more than 50 years, the research community has made strides to better determine the nutrient requirements for many common laboratory animal species. This work has resulted in high-quality animal feeds that can optimize growth, maintenance, and reproduction in most species. We have a much better understanding of the role that individual nutrients play in physiological responses. Today, diet is often considered as an independent variable in experimental design, and specialized diet formulations for experimental purposes are widely used. In contrast, drinking water provided to laboratory animals has rarely been a consideration in experimental design except in studies of specific water-borne microbial or chemical contaminants. As we advance in the precision of scientific measurements, we are constantly discovering previously unrecognized sources of experimental variability. This is the nature of science. However, science is suffering from a lack of experimental reproducibility or replicability that undermines public trust. The issue of reproducibility/replicability is especially sensitive when laboratory animals are involved since we have the ethical responsibility to assure that laboratory animals are used wisely. One way to reduce problems with reproducibility/replicability is to have a strong understanding of potential sources of inherent variability in the system under study and to provide "…a clear, specific, and complete description of how the reported results were reached [1]." A primary intent of this review is to provide the reader with a high-level overview of some basic elements of laboratory animal nutrition, methods used in the manufacturing of feeds, sources of drinking water, and general methods of water purification. The goal is to provide background on contemporary issues regarding how diet and drinking water might serve as a source of extrinsic variability that can impact animal health, study design, and experimental outcomes and provide suggestions on how to mitigate these effects.

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