
The negative environmental situation in such a region of the Russian Federation as the Chelyabinsk region is due to the prolonged and intense impact of man on nature. The Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK) and other large industrial enterprises operate in the region. MMK is one of the leading global steel producers. This is one of the largest Russian enterprises in the metallurgical industry. The article presents the results of the analysis of the chemical composition of objects related to the natural environment of the region. A significant level of toxic effects on biological objects was noted. These objects are lactating cows. Pathomorphological, radiological, and clinical-hematologic features inherent in osteodystrophy are characterized. Based on these factors, a characteristic of the necessary therapeutic effect is presented. The results of the study of the clinical condition, blood serum and blood of twenty-four cows, water, feed, soil are presented. The study was conducted in the Nagaybak district of the region, in the Znamensky agricultural enterprise. The results of the analysis of the composition of chemical elements, such as Cd, Fe, Pb, Ni, presented in the bone tissue of animals suffering from the disease, and in other objects of research are characterized. The dynamics of the hematological and clinical state of the cows in the initial state and after the therapeutic effect was carried out was analyzed. According to the results of the study, it was found that the main toxic substances that pollute the area are Cd, Fe, Pb, Ni salts. Revealed changes in the blood composition of cows. In cows, dystrophy of bone tissue is observed, all metabolic processes are disturbed. According to the results of oral administration of vitartil, which is a mineral enterosorbent, and therapy with a drug, which contain calcium, positive changes in blood parameters have been established. Significantly increased milk productivity, the clinical condition of animals has become more favorable.

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