
The purpose of this study is to describe the entrepreneurial attitude and intention and find out the influence of autonomy and authority, the economics opportunity, self-realization, perceived confidence, and entrepreneurial attitude on entrepreneurship intention. The type of research is descriptive and verification research. The method used was an explanatory survey with simple random sampling technique. The number in the sample was 145 students at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. The data analysis technique is a path analysis with computer software SPSS 23.0 for Windows. The outcome of this study indicated that the description of entrepreneurial attitude was in the medium category, the description of entrepreneurship intentions was in the medium category. Entrepreneurial attitude variables that had the highest influence on entrepreneurship intentions was the dimensions of autonomy and authority, while the lowest influence was the dimensions of perceived confidence, and entrepreneurship intention was affected by entrepreneurial attitude. Based on these results, it is suggested that increasing perceived confidence can increase the entrepreneurship intention. So hopefully, university can maintain the entrepreneurial attitude in order to improve students’ entrepreneurship intentions.

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