
The paper presents the results of a long-term (20012018) study of vegetative propagation methods of theSyringaL. genus varieties on the basis of the South Ural Botanical Garden Institute of the Ufa Federal Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences. The objective of the study was to determine the most effective and affordable ways of lilac varieties propagating in the climatic conditions of the Southern Urals, as well as to identify environmental factors affecting the effectiveness of vegetative propagation. Throughout the research period, such methods of vegetative propagation of lilac varieties as spring vaccinations, summer budding, propagation by aerial roots, green cuttings propagation were studied. As a result of the studies, it was found that the maximum quantity planting material is obtained when varieties are propagated by green cuttings using sand or a mixture of sand with perlite as a substrate. In the South Urals, greenhouses in the open ground for rooting lilac cuttings are practically unsuitable, because rooted cuttings die in them in winter or early spring. Therefore, in the climatic conditions of Bashkortostan, the rooting of lilac cuttings is desirable to be carried out in a sheltered greenhouse. With the help of spring vaccination, you can rejuvenate old vaccinated specimens, and summer budding can be used provided that the grafted plants provide a comfortable wintering, since early frosts characteristic of the Bashkir Urals lead to the death of green and not yet lignified shoots. The method of aerial roots can be considered acceptable and promising for the vegetative propagation of lilacs varieties.


  • The paper presents the results of a long-term

  • affordable ways of lilac varieties propagating in the climatic conditions of the Southern Urals

  • identify environmental factors affecting the effectiveness of vegetative propagation

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Цель исследования – определение наиболее эффективных и доступных способов размножения сортов сирени в климатических условиях Южного Урала, а также выявление экологических факторов, влияющих на эффективность вегетативного размножения. На протяжении всего периода исследований изучались такие способы вегетативного размножения сортов сирени, как весенние прививки, летняя окулировка, размножение воздушными отводками, зеленое черенкование. В результате исследований выявлено, что максимальный выход корнесобственного посадочного материала получается при размножении сортов зелеными черенками с применением в качестве субстрата песка или смеси песка с перлитом.

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