
This study examines the marketing strategy of the Momoo Milk Fresh micro business in Samarinda City. This research was conducted with the background that the local micro business has been running for more than six years with 15 branches in Samarinda City. This study aims to determine the effect of direct marketing, digital marketing, Instagram celebrity support that has been carried out by the micro business on their product purchasing decisions. This research is included in qualitative research. The population of this study were all buyers with the criteria of having bought before, and samples were taken from 15 branches of Momoo Milk Fresh in Samarinda City with a total of 152 respondents. The method used is a questionnaire, then documentation is done. The results of this study indicate that the direct marketing and digital marketing variables get a t-table value (> 1.960), while the Instagram celebrity support variable has a t-table value (> 1.960). From the results obtained, it can be concluded that direct marketing and digital marketing have a positive and significant relationship with purchasing decisions, while Instagram celebrity support does not have a positive and significant influence.

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