
Interesting behaviors in the magnetocaloric effect and magnetoresistivity are predicted for cubic CsCl-type TmZn compound in which, recently, the giant magnetocaloric effect was reported. Our model includes the crystalline electrical field, exchange, Zeeman and elastic-quadrupolar interactions. The calculated giant magnetocaloric effect is in agreement with the experimental data upon magnetic field variation along the easy magnetic direction 〈001〉. For applied magnetic field direction 〈110〉an inverse magnetocaloric effect was predicted in the temperature range from 0.7 to 8.2K. For applied magnetic field along 〈111〉direction, a discontinuity in magnetic entropy change was predicted at 14.1K leading to a latent heat of 80J/mol and magnetic entropy change of 36Jmol−1K−1 in the field change from zero to 5T. Besides, strong correlation between the anisotropic magnetoresistivity and magnetocaloric effects was reported.

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