
The processes in the financial markets in the last years revealed the new research directions in the risk for market actors valuation area. Globalization processes and their impact on a country's financial system stability affects banking system not only with the clear macroeconomic indicators, but also with the panic and uncertainty of resources providers – depositors. Deposit coverage insurance limit increase as risk management tool for Baltic States banking system stability in the period of 2005–2009 was implemented. These actions helped commercial banks, participating in deposit insurance system, to keep their credit ratings and financial stability. However, the main concern is about whether this tool is more theoretical or practical for maintaining stability of the banking system, and what influence to macroeconomic factors make deposits sum in country's banks. Santrauka Procesai, vykstantys finansų rinkose, pastaraisiais metais atskleidė naujas tyrimų kryptis, siejamas su rinkos dalyvių rizikos vertinimu. Globalizacijos procesai ir jų įtaka šalies finansų sistemos stabilumui daro įtaką bankų sektoriui ne tik per aiškiai susiejamus makroekonominius rodiklius, tačiau ir per finansinių išteklių teikėjų – indėlininkų – patiriamą riziką ar vertinamą neapibrėžtumą. Indėlių draudimo limitų padidinimas, kaip rizikos valdymo įrankis, Baltijos šalyse buvo įdiegtas 2005–2009 metų periodu siekiant užtikrinti bankų sistemos stabilumą. Šie veiksmai padėjo komerciniams bankams, dalyvaujantiems indėlių draudimo sistemoje, palaikyti savo kredito reitingus ir užsitikrinti finansinį stabilumą. Vis tik pagrindiniu susidomėjimo šaltiniu išliko siekis išsiaiškinti, ar pasiūlytos priemonės yra labiau teorinės nei praktinės stengiantis išlaikyti bankinės sistemos stabilumą, taip pat įvertinti, kaip makroekonominiai šalių rodikliai veikė indėlių kitimą analizuojamų šalių bankuose.


  • During the recent decades the economic and ¿nancial systems of the whole world became very dependent on one another

  • The processes in the ¿nancial markets affected both the national economies of countries and the behaviour of individual investors and savers by creating new types of risks for market actors. Due to these reasons the world ¿nancial markets and changes in them manifested through globalization processes and inÀuencing the stability of the ¿nancial system of a country have become the object of scienti¿c research during the last decade

  • Santomero (1997); Aktan, Masood (2010), Bernat (2009); Ince, Aktan (2009); Ginevicius, Podvezko (2008); Arslan, Karan (2009); Aluko (2007) states in his works that a ¿nancial system would not exist without ¿nancial institutions, which play the critical role in the economy: they support the expenditure of the private sector, but manage to ¿nance part of the government’s expenditure, and at the same time serve as an accumulator of savings providing the country with ¿nancial resources

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During the recent decades the economic and ¿nancial systems of the whole world became very dependent on one another. The processes in the ¿nancial markets affected both the national economies of countries and the behaviour of individual investors and savers by creating new types of risks for market actors Due to these reasons the world ¿nancial markets and changes in them manifested through globalization processes and inÀuencing the stability of the ¿nancial system of a country have become the object of scienti¿c research during the last decade. The ¿nancial institutions may create instability in the ¿nancial sector and the main reason for instability is the fact that the worth created by the ¿nancial institutions is ¿nanced by obligations, i.e. funds of depositors Due to this reason, which is named by the majority of scientists (Bernat 2009; Demirgüç-Kunt, Kane 2002; Frolov 2004; Demirgüç-Kunt et al 2005; Hoque 2007; Schich 2008), almost all governments of the world created a security net for the ¿nancial system, which would ensure stability and integrity of the ¿nancial system. Lakštutienơ et al The inÀuence of deposits insurance on the stability of the Baltic States banking system

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