
The Dinner with event held at the National Association of Biology Teachers Conference over several successive years represented an innovative forum for exploring the ways that the work of Charles Darwin has had an impact in fields quite far removed from biology. Through a wide-ranging discussion by panel participants, drawn from a number of diverse fields of study and professions, some interesting insights into the work of Darwin and its impact across other areas of scholarship and professional practice were developed. It should be emphasized that the cross-disciplinary nature of this forum shifted the analysis of Darwin's work from a rigorous focus on biology to the less-defined but potentially quite productive areas of the mutual influence of disciplines. In this article, the influence of Darwin's thought on the field of electrical and computer engineering will be illustrated through the specific example of computational structures that are widely known as evolutionary algorithms. Electrical engineering and computer engineering are both fields that one does not typically associate with biology or with the ideas of Charles Darwin. Yet, there are some very interesting areas of research into the application of sophisticated computational techniques that clearly have their origin in the fields of biology and biological organisms. In both engineering disciplines, research typically includes deriving mathematical models of physical systems and applying various quantitative techniques aimed at improving system performance. In recent years, an interesting new class of techniques has come to be developed to solve engineering problems. These new techniques are much less deterministic than classical methods and incorporate much more flexibility and ability to adapt. In the processing of wireless communication signals, for example, there has been considerable research into the application of self-learning adaptive algorithms running on computers to improve the performance of wireless detection systems (Kechriotis & Manolakos, 1996; Overbye & Priemer, 2003; Ohta, 2002). Upon reflection, one realizes that many of the ideas of the self-learning adaptive algorithms used in engineering research (referred to in the fields of computer science and engineering as artificial intelligence) are remarkably similar to, and obviously influenced by, the ideas of Charles Darwin. So-called evolutionary computing using genetic algorithms is an obvious example (Davis, 2002; Coello et al., 2002), but there are numerous other examples of how biological processes and ideas have informed the work of computer scientists and engineers. The human brain is still the most complex computational device that we know of, and it is often helpful to think about the challenges of computer science in biological terms. This analogy has also led us to such constructs as neural networks, expert systems, and a number of other approaches that attempt to mimic biological processes on computing machines. In addition, the way we approach information storage in computer science has some biological underpinnings. For example, Hopfield neural networks (Hopfield, 1982) provide a form of content-addressable memory that can be thought of as mimicking the processes of the neurons in the human brain. Many of the mathematical techniques used in the field of computational genomics would appear familiar to a computer engineer, and there is a significant degree of common structure between the way information is coded and stored in common engineering applications like communications systems and the way biological organisms store information via the DNA that is encoded in them. Once one begins to conceptualize computational devices in biological terms, the challenge then becomes how to design, or create them. Of course, the first impulse would be to implement a creationist model in which the engineer takes the role of creator. It is a very common approach in engineering education to apply a deterministic model, and engineers are taught to view problems in a very deterministic manner. …

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