
Series Preface J. Cleveland and E. Fleishman. Culture H. Triandis and S. Wasti. A Model of the Influence of Cultural Values on Job Application Intentions and Behaviors D. Stone, L. Isenhour and K. Lukaszweski. The Clash Between 'Best Practices' for Selection and National Culture R. Dipboye and S. Halverson. Culture and Human Resource Management Practices: Personnel Selection based on Personality Measures E. Stone-Romero and C. Thornson. Designing and Delivering Training for Multi-Cultural Interactions in Organizations E. Salas, K. Wilson and R. Lyons. Culture Diversity and Performance Appraisal Systems: Culture, Feedback, and Motivation G. Ferris and D. Treadway. Compensation and Reward Systems in a Multicultural Context A. Joshi and J. Martocchio. Cultural Variations in Employee Assistance Programs in an Era of Globalization R. Bhagat, P. Steverson and J. Segovis. Work and Family Concerns and Practices: A Cross-National and Cultural Comparison of Ireland and the US J. Cleveland, A. McCarthy and J. Hemelright. A Sensemaking Approach to Understanding Multicultural Teams: An Initial Framework C. Burke, H. Priest, C. Upshaw, E. Salas and L. Pierce. Culture and Human Resource Management: Prospects for the Future E. Stone-Romero and D. Stone

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