
Condensation of porcelain is an important laboratory variable that can affect a variety of physical properties in metal ceramic restorations. This study examined four methods of condensation (brush with vibration, ultrasonic vibration, spatulation, and noncondensation) to evaluate their effects on porosity and color. Standardized 12 × 12 mm acetate plastic squares were invested and cast with Olympia alloy. After oxidation, the metal substructures received one of the following opaque and body porcelains: Ceramco II G Series, Will-Ceram V-Series, Vita VMK-68, or Jelenko. The examination of each sample consisted of three parts: (1) apparent specific gravity analysis (porosity); (2) tristimulus colorimeter analysis; and (3) subjective observer color analysis. No statistical differences ( p ≤ 0.05) in apparent specific gravity were found between methods of condensation within any of the four porcelains. Statistical differences ( p ≤ 0.05) in color were noted between methods of condensation within several of the porcelains by both the tristimulus colorimeter and the subjective observers.

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