
The aim of this systematic review was to qualitatively synthesise the available research that investigated the influence of COMT genotype at SNP rs4680 on both task-based and resting-state connectivity in healthy adults. Thirty-five studies were identified that met inclusion criteria. Of the included studies, 20 studies reported resting-state findings and 16 studies reported task-based findings (emotion-processing, memory, working memory, reward-based learning and executive function). Studies were highly heterogeneous but an overall trend towards an association of the Val allele with greater resting-state connectivity and the Met allele with greater task-based connectivity is reported. A possible interpretation of current findings is discussed, whereby the Val allele is associated with improved cognitive flexibility allowing integration of novel relevant stimuli, and the Met allele allows improved sustained attention and targeted neural processing, particularly between limbic regions and prefrontal cortex. The most promising brain regions implicated in a COMT genotype influence on functional connectivity include prefrontal regions, amygdala and hippocampus.

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