
This study aimed to determine the police trust in relation to police community relation and performance in District 1 of Davao del Norte, 384 residents from the district 1 of Davao del Norte participated the survey. The study used descriptive-predictive design with the utilization of mean, standard deviation, pearson-r and multiple linear regression. The findings revealed that police-community relation positively and significantly correlated with police trust (r=0.500, p<0.05), similarly, police performance positively and significantly correlated with police trust (r=0.862, p<0.05). However, the significant influence of police community relation and police performance to predict public trust, overall results indicate that indicators of police performance, such as attentiveness, reliability, fairness, manners, and responsiveness, have a stronger predictive relationship with police trust compared to indicators of police-community relations. The public relation program also shows a positive relationship with trust in both models. However, the civic action program, public information program, mass communication program, and competence do not significantly contribute to the prediction of police trust.

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