
Fisheries and socio-economic activities of fishermen, especially traditional local fishermen, largely rely on coastal and marine ecosystem condition. Degradation of coastal and marine resources, particularly coral reefs and fish, is widespread as a result of the increase in pressures on these resources, which tends to continue in parallel with the increase of economic activities in the coastal areas. The high potential of coastal and marine resources has triggered fishermen from outside to utilize these resources for profit without paying attention to their sustainability. This situation creates high competition over resources, leading to conflict of interests and overlapping fishing areas between local and domestic fishermen, as well as those from neighbouring countries. The local fishermen are in a weak position; their fleet, fishing equipment and bargaining position are much worse than the outsiders. Meanwhile, climatic conditions, especially the more frequent extreme weather, also have a major impact on fisheries activities, production and fishermen incomes. This paper discusses these issues in Natuna District, Riau Islands Province, Indonesia. It uses empirical data from Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) and my related research activities in this location. Data is also collected from secondary sources, including related books, papers, documents, and research results.

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