
The purpose of this study was to analyse the influence of climatic and topographic parameters on the distribution of forest communities (on the alliance level) on the Ufa plateau. In order to characterize the features of the forest vegetation habitats of six alliances, topographic parameters were calculated using the digital elevation model SRTM-3, and bioclimatic variables Bioclim (CHELSA). Cluster analysis using climatic characteristics showed that the main factors in the differentiation of alliances are the amount of precipitation in January and in the winter quarter. The amount of precipitation determines the depth of soil freezing and the sufficiency of soil moisture in the initial period of the seasonal development of trees. These factors are the main ones in differentiating the habitats of the communities of the suballiance Tilio cordatae-Pinenion sylvestris from the habitats of the other forest communities. The amount of precipitation in the summer quarter is the next most important climatic parameter, differentiating the habitats of communities. Cluster analysis using topographic parameters showed that the main factors of differentiation of the habitats of the alliances are the profile and plan curvature, slope steepness and aspect. These factors determine the accumulation of soil, moisture and the temperature regime of soils.

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