
Traditional marketing combinations no longer satisfy modern demands. To achieve optimum marketing effects, corporations have been turning to a new method of marketing, sponsorship. Focusing on corporate sponsorship, this study attempts to test the effect the correlation between sponsorship attributes and brand personality has on brand equity. The study reached four conclusions: 1. A well-known brand has already created a powerful impression in the minds of consumers, so corporate sponsorships will help raise brand equity regardless of sponsorship attribute and brand personality correlation. 2. Corporate sponsorships are not effective in raising brand equity when a brand is not well-known. 3. Regardless of brand awareness, the effects on brand equity from the correlation between sponsorship attributes and brand personality are not greatly affected by interference variables such as consumer purchasing involvement levels. 4. Regardless of brand awareness, the effects on brand equity from the correlation between sponsorship attributes and brand personality are not greatly affected by interference variables such as individual participation tendencies.

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