
Boarding education pattern makes its own interest for researchers because the boarding education of the discipline and structured conditions; Politeknik Maritim Negeri Indonesia (Polimarin) become the object of research because since the establishment of never happened violence seniority of students in the institution. Polimarin has the task of organizing vocational education in a number of fields of science and technology, focusing on maritime fields. Associated with the character of Polimarin, students based on the use of information technology, of course, must follow the applicable laws and regulations. Regulations in Indonesia related to information technology are namely Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 11 Year 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE); and Law of the Republic of Indonesia number 19 Year 2008 concerning Amendment of Information and Electronic Transaction. Catching the reality of student boarding life in Polimarin, both from their daily life in dormitories and educational patterns of Polimarin students, researchers used a kind of qualitative research. Data collection techniques that researchers used were methods of observation, interview, documentation and validation. The results obtained from this research is that Polimarin is a new college that is required to improve the quality of both students and other academicians; one of the students qualities that need to be improved is the use of information technology in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations in Indonesia. Article visualizations:

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