
The research was carried out in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of biological preparations and micronutrients both separately and when used together to form the quality of winter wheat grain in the conditions of unstable humidification zone of the Stavropol Territory. The work was carried out in 2020-2022 in the fields of the experimental station of the Stavropol State Agrarian University on leached chernozem. The experience is two-factor, the repetition is three-fold. The experience scheme includes 10 options. As a control, an economic option was adopted (the technology of winter wheat cultivation recommended by scientific institutions of the region). In the experiment, biological preparations and micronutrients were studied both independently and with their joint use (factor A). The studied biological preparations and micronutrients were used during seed pickling and on vegetating plants during spring tillering and the formation of a flag leaf (factor B). The applied preparations, when used together, provide an increase in yield by 0.53 t / ha, forming a grain of the fourth class.

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