
Background: Violent behavior is the act of injuring another person, themselves, destroyed property (environment) and verbal threats. Violent behavior and observation of potential suicide clients are the most frequent causes of stress on psychiatric nurses, besides the lack of management support is also a source of stress for psychiatric nurses. In the West Java Provincial Hospital the conditions often experienced are: the number of clients being treated is not comparable to the number of nurses available, often clients do verbal aggressive behavior or acts of violence with fellow clients, nurses who experience physical violence, destruction of hospital facilities by clients, often the client leaves the hospital without the nurse's permission and the nurse's unpreparedness if placed in a psychiatric emergency room. This can create stress for soul nurses in handling clients with aggressive behavior. Aims: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of client violence behavior on the stress level of nurses in the RDP room of West Kalimantan Prov. Hospital. Method: The type of this research is observational analytic with design cross-sectional, sampling with a total sampling amounting to 24 respondents, the measurement tool for this research is the observation sheet of POPAS (Perceptions of Prevalence of Aggression Scalebehavior), while for stress nurses use the PNOSS questionnaire (Psychiatric Nursing Occupational Stress Scale). The bivariate analysis used is the Spearman Rank correlation test with a confidence level of 95% or α = 0.05. Results: The results of this study indicate that there is an influence/relationship of client violence behavior to nurse stress, with a value of ρ 0.03 <0.05 where nurses who experience mild stress as much as one respondent (4.2%), moderate stress as much as 21 respondents (87.5%) and high stress of two respondents (8.3%). Violent behavior found was medium category 95.8% and heavy category 4.2%.

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