
The determining factor in increasing the productivity of farm animals is the provision of comlete feeding of animals through feed additives. Among the functional feed additives containing essential trace elements, a special place under the conditions of the Amur region is given to microadditives of selenium, iodine and cobalt. The Amur region belongs to the biogeochemical region in which the defi ciency of I, Se and Co in feed is from 80 to 95 % compared to the average Russian indicators. The purpose of the work was to compare the eff ect of feed additives made from red alga Ahnfeltia, soy protein asparaginates separately and together with the drug “Creamino” on the growth, development and metabolism of young cattle. Under the conditions of the Amur region on the basis of their own experimental data in the rearing of young cattle, the eff ectiveness of the use of the drug “Creamino” and red alga Ahnfeltia has been scientifi cally justifi ed. The conducted scientifi c and economic and physiological experiments allowed us to determine the eff ect of red anfel on the growth and development, metabolic processes of replacement heifers and the growth rate of steers when they were fed soy protein asparaginates together with the drug “Creamino”. The evaluation of the economic effi ciency of feeding heifers I, Co and Se in organic form as part of soy protein asparaginates and red alga Ahnfeltia has shown a higher economic eff ect per 1 head per day in the 2nd experimental group, where the level of profi tability was 28,6 %. The results of the research and production experiment on steers have shown that from an economic point of view, it is advisable to use I, Co and Se in their rations in the form of soy protein asparaginates together with the drug “Creamino”, feeding of which can signifi cantly increase the economic eff ect, which is 1 head per day of 4,47 rubles with a profi tability level of 31,0 %.

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