
Gender stereotypes have determined that the concepts of management and leadership are more associated with men than women. There are more men working in management positions than women in various countries, including Lithuania. The most widely discussed cause for that is discrimination against women in the labor market. The aim of the study was to examine evaluation differences between personnel specialists and comparison group, depending on their own and candidate‘s gender. Study was based on quasi-experimental strategy which included a hiring simulation. Participants had to evaluate potential candidates, a man and a woman, seeking for a job in management position. Data was collected from 128 people (age range - 19 to 56 years): 48 personnel specialists (M=29,38; SD=7,48), 49 women, who represented other specialties (M=26,29; SD=7,36) and 31 men, who represented other specialties (M=25,39; SD=5,05). Both personnel specialists and comparison group evaluated man and woman-candidate as similar. There were no significant differences between the two candidates on their hireability, reliability, competence, potential salary and promotability. However, results also indicate that personnel specialists and women, representing other specialties, suggested that man was more capable to work in teams than woman. The study gives an insight about the possibility of gender stereotype change.


  • Gender stereotypes have determined that the concepts of management and leadership are more associated with men than women

  • Results indicate that personnel specialists and women, representing other specialties, suggested that a man was more capable to work in teams than a woman

  • The study gives an insight about the possibility of gender stereotype change

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Vita Mikuličiūtė

Didžiosios dalies panašaus pobūdžio tyrimų rezultatai patvirtina tendenciją, kad įdarbinimo situacijose moterys vertinamos prasčiau nei vyrai (Marlowe, Schneider, & Nelson, 1996; Muchinsky & Harris, 1977; Koch et al, 2015; Davison & Burke, 2000; Gerdes & Garber, 1983; Dipboye, Arvey, & Terpstra, 1977; Przygodzki-Lionet, Olivier, & Desrumaux, 2010). Taigi šio tyrimo tikslas yra nustatyti, kaip skiriasi personalo specialistų ir palyginamosios grupės vertinimai, atsižvelgiant į pačių vertintojų ir kandidato lytį, įdarbinant kandidatus vadovaujamoje pozicijoje (šiuo atveju vadovaujama pozicija – stereotipiškai vyriškas darbas). Klausimas skambėjo taip: „Perskaitykite kandidato 0001 (kandidatės 0003) gyvenimo aprašymą ir įvertinkite pagal 1–9 balų skalę, kokia tikimybė, kad jį (-ą) įdarbintumėte.“ Šis klausimas buvo vertinamas pagal Likerto tipo skalę nuo 1 iki 9, kur 1 reiškė „tikrai neįdarbinčiau“, o 9 reiškė „tikrai įdarbinčiau“ (5 balai reiškė „nei įdarbinčiau, nei neįdarbinčiau“).

Tyrimo rezultatai
Vyras bus paaukštintas Moteris bus paaukštinta
Tikimybė įdarbinti moterį
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