
1. The influence of oximes (pralidoxime, obidoxime, HI-6) and anticholinergic drugs (atropine, benactyzine, biperiden, scopolamine) on the effectiveness of antidotal treatment to eliminate tabun-induced lethal effects was studied in mice. 2. Obidoxime seems to be the most efficacious oxime for the elimination of tabun-induced lethal effects in mice, although the difference in the efficacy of obidoxime and HI-6 is not significant when they are combined with atropine. 3. Obidoxime and HI-6 when combined with centrally acting anticholinergic drugs (benactyzine, biperiden and scopolamine) seem to be more efficacious in the elimination of toxic effects of the lethal dose of tabun than their combination with atropine. 4. The findings support the hypothesis that the choice of acetylcholinesterase reactivators as well as the anticholinergic drug selection are important for the effectiveness of antidotal mixture in the case of antidotal treatment of tabun-induced acute poisoning.

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