
Faced with the millennial generation in a digital era, conventional learning models that are not attractive tend to be individual and not supported by contemporary media cause passive, less critical, and uncreative learners. Then there needs to be learning that can encourage the improvement of student learning outcomes. Researchers conducted a study to analyse the influence of media-based cooperative learning models on elementary school fourth grades science learning outcomes. This study uses experimental research techniques through tests, observations, and documentation. The research population of 41 Public Elementary Schools and 2 Private Elementary Schools in Wonosalam District of Demak Regency with data on 355 teachers and 6,867 students with samples in the fourth grades students of SDN Mojo Demak 2, and SDN Trengguli 3. The research results on the Android illustrated story-based cooperative learning model on elementary school the fourth grades Science learning outcomes showed at the count of -7,223 and a table of -2,079 or in another sense -t count < -t tables with signification (2-tailed) values of 0.000 < 0.05. The results showed that this study accepted; namely, the android story-based cooperative learning model has a significant influence on learning outcomes. Based on research, teachers are advised to use a collaborative learning model based on android pictorial story media because it cooperates and inspires wishful thinking. Current, teachers are more effective in using a cooperative learning model based on android picture stories when compared to conventional.

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