
Background. Uganda has a high fertility rate, high levels of intimate partner violence (IPV) and also very young ages at first union. Experiencing IPV has previously been shown to increase fertility rates. Entering marriage at a later age has been shown to decrease fertility rates in some countries. Given that a large proportion of Ugandan women are married by the end of adolescence, marital age may be a key proximate determinant of fertility in Uganda. Objective. To examine the effect of age at first union on fertility, via the intermediate effect of physical IPV, among Ugandan women of reproductive age. Methods. Data from the 2011 Ugandan Demographic and Health Survey were used to create an integrated path model to investigate the effects of age at first union on fertility. Known factors that influence fertility were included in the model. The interaction with age at first union in increasing fertility differentials, via the intermediate effect of physical IPV, was assessed. Results. Results show that women who are preadolescent or adolescent at first union have a higher likelihood of experiencing IPV, indicated by both direct and indirect pathways that work via known intermediate and proximate factors. Furthermore, age at first union increases fertility, expressed as the number of children born to a woman, via a direct interaction. Conclusion. Most Ugandan women enter their first union during adolescence (<19 years), which exposes them to a higher risk of IPV and a longer period of childbearing, thereby increasing fertility rates.

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