
The article considers the problem of students’ research work in compliance with academic integrity as well as its impact on the formation of future teachers’ soft skills. The purpose of the study is to identify and summarize the components of future teachers’ soft skills, acquired in the process of academic writing in compliance with the requirements of academic integrity. These research methods were used: theoretical analysis of scientific and reference sources on the implementation of academic integrity; generalization and systematization of the existing studies related to the acquisition of future specialists’ soft skills; interpretation of one's own views on the acquisition of soft skills by the future teachers during their research work observing academic integrity in the process of the profession-oriented training. The following components of the future teachers’ soft skills facilitating the performance of research work have been proposed: digital skills, critical thinking skills; time management skills; discipline, communication skills. Acquisition of digital skills during the research work requires that students should master the skills of using information and communication technologies which are necessary for the analysis of digital sources, work with a text editor and online communication with a supervisor. Critical thinking skills are important during the research work, i.e. adhering to academic integrity, a student acquires the ability to quote, paraphrase, summarize, specify and compare other authors’ opinions and draw their own conclusions. The components of future teachers’ soft skills include time management skills, which provide planning and organization of work, as well as contribute to timely and effective implementation of all stages of their study. The next component of future teachers’ soft skills is discipline. This is due to the fact that there are compulsory requirements to the research layout, since observance of these requirements is the condition for its acceptance. In addition, the components of soft skills include communication skills, which are acquired by the students during effective communication with their supervisors, agreement with the research base, interpersonal communication in an academic group, presentation of their own research.

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