
The music industry continues to decline each year, the decline in sales of music products is due to the development of technology that allows people to create a compact disc (CD) pirated and illegally downloaded music. Digital era makes selling of music cassettes and CD's dropped drastically, so the manufacturers have to think of a way to sell their music product by adjusting the development of technology. On the other hand, the development of technology has also helped to revive of music products. Sales of digital music products that utilize internet technology began to increase. Smart phones like Apple through iTunes record of success in sales of digital music and encouraging many people to pioneer a similar service. Blackberry in 2013 account for approximately 20 percent of the profits derived from the sale of digital music content via the Blackberry World. The data shows that consumers interest in music began to change from consume CD music products, now consumers prefer to consume digital music products through internet, these means the e-commerce of digital music product began to increase. This study aimed to examine the factors that can influence consumer buying interest towards music products. The populations in this study are music lovers in Indonesia. The data in this study were obtained through questionnaires, and analyzed using multiple regression analysis. The results showed that the prices have the greatest influence consumers to buy music products. Price becomes a major consideration for consumers to purchase music products, because of the possibility of consumers who only want to spend money for a song which they liked. The existence of digital music via internet can make consumers easy to choose and purchase just any song they like, rather than to buy a CD that contains many songs but only a few are favourite by consumers.

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