
The dermatologic textbooks discuss anogenital pruritus under the head of general pruritus and, after eliminating such self-evident causes as pediculosis, dermatitis or the irritation from ascarides, and such speculative causes as urethral vegetations, irritation of the utero-ovarian apparatus or some rectal disease, fall back on the time-worn assertion that the local disturbance is a symptom of a general neurosis. The purpose of this brief communication is to report the results of a study of fifty cases of anogenital pruritus occurring in my private practice during the past few years. It is hoped that it may help elucidate the little understood etiology and treatment of this condition. AN ILLUSTRATIVE CASE In 1910, I had an especially obstinate case under observation. A woman, aged 28, had been troubled with true anogenital pruritus for three years. The attack followed immediately after her recovery from the birth of her first child. She had consulted

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