
The Institut für Nukleare Entsorgung (INE) at the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (FZK), Germany, has constructed and is operating a beamline at the synchrotron source ANKA dedicated to actinide speciation investigations related to nuclear waste disposal as well as applied and basic actinide research. Experiments on nuclides not suited as nuclear fuel with activities up to 106 times the limit of exemption inside a safe and flexible containment concept are now possible. The design is for a multi-purpose beamline, i.e., a number of methods (XAFS, surface sensitive and spatially resolved techniques) are envisaged on one and the same sample, with X-ray energies from 2472 eV (SK edge) to 23220 eV (RhK edge). The commissioning of the INE-Beamline was officially completed in September 2005 and meanwhile regular user operation has been started. Here we present a description of this new facility and examples for X-ray absorption studies on actinides and homologues performed during the beamline commissioning phase.

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