
The Isle ofWight does not seem at first glance a likely source of industrial sites, other than those associated with rural economic activity, such as agriculture and milling. It is in some respects not unlike East Anglia and Hampshire, the areas· already featured in this series,1 but there are important differences, and study of the island reveals a rich heritage of unexpected variety, associated with the industrial period. Geographical factors are invariably important in the economic development of an area, and this is particularly true in this case. Its insular status necessitated, until relatively recently, as high a degree of self-sufficiencyas possible. The difficulties of transporting goods from the mainland, and the high costs incurred, ensured that the islanders attempted to produce sufficient for their requirements locally. The need, nevertheless, to maintain some links with the mainland, a few miles across the Solent, resulted in flourishing boatbuilding and repair activity, and associated industry, such as rope manufacture. Ports, piers and other landing places were also vital. More recently, air transport had a role, and both sea and land planes have been built on the Isle of Wight. Today it could be argued that tourism is the island's most important economic activity, but in the past, as in Hampshire, farming was the premier industry. Celia Fiennes, writing in the closingyears of the 17th century, observed that 'the fertillity [sic] of the whole island produces corn of all sorts in great plenty, and all sorts of cattle and butter cheese as also great stores of fish and fowle... ';2 today, mixed farming is still practised. The Isle of Wight' is diamond shaped, about 15 miles from north to south, and almost 25 miles fromwest to east, with rich farmland in the plains and river valleys, and an area of forest towards the north of the island. A chalk ridge forms a 'backbone' across the Isle of Wight from west to east.

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