
Following the original geophysical discovery work on the Elura orebody which included the INDUCED POLARISATION technique, various efforts have been made to improve the quality of the I.P. data so that this technique could be used confidently as an exploration tool in the area. Since the discovery, I.P., together with magnetics, has been the most widely used geophysical tool in the Cobar belt. However, major problems were encountered, some of which are probably unique to the Cobar region. Considerable time and e.ffort had to be applied in an attempt to overcome the severe telluric noise common to this area and ultimately to generate anomalies with an acceptable response over the background chargeabilities.The INDUCED POLARISATION technique has now been shown to be an effective geophysical tool for detecting the Elura orebody. A number of parameters must be chosen carefully so that the technique can be used in reconnaissance surveys for other bodies in the area. These include: – a) Taking measurements in the time-domain;b) Using the dipole-dipole configuration with an appropriate dipole length;c) Investigating the optimum transmitter "ON" time;d) Increasing the integration time of the received signal;e) Using equipment that can minimise the effects of the severe telluric noise in the area.

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