
Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) is an essential factor that influences consumer behavior, and particularly how consumers choose cyber caf´ es. This study investigated IEQ by using an indoor pollution evaluation system to monitor and record the real-time temperature, relative humidity, air velocity, illumination level, and CO2 concentrations of 3 cyber caf´ es in Southern Taiwan. The average CO2 concentrations of cyber caf´ es A (893 ppm), B (741 ppm), and C (950 ppm) exceeded the recommended exposure limits of Type-1 indoor air quality (IAQ) standards (600 ppm) for schools and educational institutions; however, all met the recommended exposure limits of Type-2 IAQ standards (1000 ppm) for general public places and buildings suggested by the Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan. The average illumination levels of cyber caf´ es A (82 Lux), B (147 Lux), and C (333 Lux) did not meet the standards of the Taiwanese Ministry of Education for classrooms ( 500 Lux), and only cyber caf´ e C met Chinese National Standards ( 200 Lux) for recreation rooms. The results suggested that the IEQ of the three cyber caf´ es can be enhanced by improving the illumination levels and CO2 concentrations.

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