
ABSTRACT The Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) has been applauded for its contribution in eradicating the East Indonesia Mujahideen (MIT) networks in Poso Regency, Central Sulawesi Province. The military contributed to the operation in various ways, particularly intelligence gathering, and territorial and counter-guerrilla operations. The operation in Poso is a case whereby the threats are beyond the police’s capabilities. On the one hand, counter terrorism against MIT requires deep involvement of the military primarily due to the strategic and structural challenges surrounding the conflict area. On the other hand, such profound entanglement can produce detrimental impacts toward democratic security arrangement. We argue that TNI involvement is indeed valuable but should be on a case-by-case basis. This article highlights that the operation has been able to nurture coordination between the police and the military. However, there are also potential risks for the future of counter terrorism efforts in Indonesia. Counter terrorism requires a multidisciplinary approach, yet the involvement of TNI in all sectors would only lead to suboptimal achievements of the military. This article also discusses the militarisation approach in counter terrorism is likely to escalate the use of violence.

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