
The Indian Springs #2 site (41BW512) is on a high alluvial terrace or bluff edge (330 ft. amsl), overlooking the Red River floodplain and Hubbard Slough, an old channel of the river. The current channel of the river is ca. 1.6 km north of the site. The site appears to be a late 18th century Kadohadacho settlement with a small cemetery, although there is evidence in the collections known to have come from it that it was also occupied in Archaic and Early Caddo times (ca. A.D. 900-1200) as well as in the early to mid-19'h century. The site was discovered by the landowner, Mr. Julian Cranfill during earth-moving activities associated with construction of a pond. When European glass beads were noted by Mr. Cranfill on the disturbed ground surface, he began a limited excavation of the area where the beads were found, attempting to ascertain their context and what other kinds of artifacts may be associated with them. He excavated a circular area about 3-4 m in diameter along the eastern side of the bluff, on a small knoll. During this work, he documented three obvious cultural features and a dark charcoal-stained patch of burned soil that may represent remnants of a shallowly-buried burned structure. Feature I and II are burials of Caddo people, and both had European glass beads and pottery vessels placed in the grave as funerary objects. Feature III is a pit that contained butchered hog jaws; it may be associated with the later 19tb century Anglo-American farm occupation also present at the site. The Feature I burial pit was oriented east-west, and was the size of a child or subadult burial. The burial pit extended to ca. 66 em bs, and the bottom 2-5 em of the pit fill was a very dark soil. This soil is probably the product of firing episodes associated with Caddo burial ceremonies. There was a large concentration of glass beads at the eastern end of the burial, probably from necklaces of beads that were worn by the deceased. More than 3000 beads came from this area, along with a few preserved teeth, and three ceramic vessels. Feature II was a larger burial pit, probably that of an adult Caddo, oriented almost north-south. According to Mr. Cranfill, there were four ceramic vessels, more than 430 glass beads, and five triangular Fresno arrow points accompanying this individual.


  • The site was found by the landowner, Mr

  • The glass beads and the whole vessels were apparently funerary offerings included in the burial pits of two Caddo Indians

  • About 30 years or so after the Kadohadacho had left this area because of the effects of European-introduced diseases and attacks from the Osage, it appears that the Indian Springs #2 site was occupied by an Anglo-American family

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Ceramic Shcrds

In a collection of several hundred rim and body sherds from the site, a total of 21 decorated sherds were identified. Five of the sherds have brushed decorations, either as vertical (n=3) or overlapping (n=l) hmshing on jar bodies and horizontal hmshing (n=l) on the rim. The decorative style ofpunctated rows on utility ware jars suggests these sherds may be from Emory Punctated-Incised vessels or a similar kind of punctatedjar Four of the six incised sherds have only a single straight line from an indeterminate decorative motif. One is a bottle sherd with a hatched zone, probably part of a scroll from either a Natchitoches Engraved, Hodges Engraved, or Womack Engraved vessel. The other, likely part of a Natchitoches Engraved or Simms Engraved vessel, has a cross-hatched engraved zone above another engraved line with tick marks

Glass Beads
Summary and Conclusions
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