
PROF. B. K. SINGH'S presidential address to the Indian Chemical Society (Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, vol. 10, No. 1, p. 1, 1933) deals with ‘Optics in the Service of Chemistry”, and includes a review of recent work on optical rotatory power and rotatory dispersion, to which he has himself contributed. He also records in a tabular form the growth of the Indian Chemical Society, during the nine years of its existence. During the first five years the growth was rapid, but the Society has held its own during the more difficult years from 1929 until 1932. It now includes 360 fellows and 100 subscribers, and is publishing approximately 100 papers in each year, of which 750 pages are printed free of cost by the University of Calcutta. Under these favourable conditions an income of about 10,000 Rs. has usually provided a credit balance, and a reserve fund of 21,000 Rs. has been built up, in addition to a donation of 10,000 Rs. from Sir P. C. Rây which is earmarked for the provision of a headquarters for the Society.

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